The eyes are highly expressive, and can convey a tired, sad or angry appearance as the result of aging or genetics.

This can be very frustrating, especially when you’re feeling in the best of spirits but just can’t manage to look that way. Dr. Economou uses intricate techniques to restore a delicate balance of position, tone, contours and shape resulting in a natural appearance that communicates how you truly feel –vibrant, youthful and relaxed, with some of the

Blepharoplasty (eye lift)

The eyes are generally among the first features to show signs of aging. Cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) improves the appearance of the upper and/or lower eyelids by removing excess fat and redundant eyelid skin.

If you have loose or sagging skin that creates folds in the upper lids, fatty deposits, excess skin and wrinkles in the lower eyelid area, or bags under the eyes, you may be a candidate for eyelid surgery in Limassol.

A variety of other procedures may be combined with your eye lift procedure to enhance your outcome, including soft tissue fillers, resurfacing techniques, and botulinum toxin injections.

Eye surgery for men

Today, a greater and greater number of male clients are walking through the doors at, because they realize that looking and feeling their best is for everyone, not just the ladies.

Eyelid surgery can significantly improve one’s self-confidence, especially in the workplace, where first impressions can be very meaningful. Additionally, our culture has become highly image-based, with a constant demand for attractive photos. Undergoing cosmetic treatments can give one the security of looking youthful and energized, regardless of one’s age.

Benefits of Limassol eyelid surgery at include:

  • Brighter smile
  • Improvement in the facial expression
  • Reduction of eye puffiness, sagging and fat deposits
  • Brighter smile
  • Improvement in the facial expression
  • Reduction of eye puffiness, sagging and fat deposits
  • Brighter smile
  • Improvement in the facial expression
  • Reduction of eye puffiness, sagging and fat deposits

What makes a good candidatefor eyelid surgery?

A good candidate for the procedure will be in good health, both psychologically and physiologically, with no major medical issues or eye diseases to speak of; will be a non-smoker, or willing to quit prior to surgery; will be in the ballpark of ages 35 to 70; and will be seeking improvement in their appearance rather than perfection.

The best candidates for a Limassol blepharoplasty will have experienced puffiness, sagging, discoloration, fat build-up, and wrinkling around the eyes that has not yielded in the slightest to dieting or exercise.

A variety of other procedures may be combined with your eye lift procedure to enhance your outcome, including soft tissue fillers, resurfacing techniques, and botulinum toxin injections.

Where will my procedure take place?




Dr. Economou will use either oral, IV or general anesthesia so that you remain comfortable during your procedure. Oral anesthesia procedures are performed on-site at The Few Institute in a fully accredited operating room.

The Incision

  • The incision lines for eyelid surgery are designed for scars to be well concealed within the natural structures of the eyelid region.
  • Droopy upper eyelids can be corrected with an incision hidden in the natural crease of the upper eyelid.
  • Wrinkles and bags in the lower eyelid area may be corrected with an incision hidden just below the lower lash line. Alternatively, a transconjunctival incision, hidden inside the lower eyelid, can also correct lower eyelid conditions and reposition fat.

Closing the incisions

During his eyelid surgery in Limassol, Dr. Economou closes his incisions with sutures, skin adhesives or surgical clips.

Your results

The visible improvements of your procedure will appear as the bruising and swelling subside. The healing process depends on the type of procedure or combination of procedures you have and your individual ability to heal. Dr. Economou is happy to answer any questions you have about the healing process.

TAKING THEnext step

If you think that eyelid surgery might be right for your needs, please contact in Limassol to set up your confidential consultation with Dr. Economou today. During this first session, Dr. Economou will examine your eyelids, will review your medical and surgical records, and will begin to create the ideal plan of action for resolving your most pressing aesthetic concerns.

Blepharoplasty is often part of a more comprehensive regimen to reverse the damaging effects of aging. During your consultation, Dr. Economou can discuss these additional procedures with you in detail, including facial rejuvenation with laser therapy, skin resurfacing, facelift, and brow lift. Combining treatments often works to save patients both downtime and costs in the long run.

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